I mean Al covers a wide variety of issues including questions about the Bush regime, but his main focus is how the media is giving Bush a free pass and how the right-wing pundits distort the truth.
When you go to any major book store, you'll rarely find Franken or Moore's book in the Current Affairs/Political Science. Most bookstores classify these books as Humor and file them as such in the Humor section next to Dave Barry books. I've read "Liars" and "Stupid White Men" and both authors use a great deal of humor when discussing their subject manner (although the topic is always of a real nature).
I find it disturbing that on the back cover of "Dude, Where's My Country" is one of those newspaper reviews that says "Moore is a Comic Genius". I mean, yes Moore has a way of finding laughter in even the most dire of situations, but I'm not finding it in this book. No matter what comic twist Moore uses, this book is far from something you'd peruse in the Humor section of the bookstore.
I think the best backcover comment on the book is the last one: "Michael Moore has drawn First Blood", this is absolutely deadon true! This book goes for jugular veins. When Moore wrote the first chapter about the 7 questions he would ask Bush, he puts the footnotes right at the bottom of the page. And he wasn't using any cheesy overloaded Lexus-Nexus searches for his information. He was pulling from magazine and online searches where he would provide the exact information you would need to go out and read exactly where he got his information.
This isn't a "Humor" book - this is a full frontal attack dead-on against the illegal doings of the Bush Regime. We should get angry as we read this book and then get motivated to help get Bush out of the White House.
Mind you, I'm only half way through the book, maybe Moore lightens up some in the latter chapters!