I couldn't believe it either, after going out of our way to cook with soy especially all these years. Turns out that both soy and corn oil (in everything--and canola is even WORSE) LOWERS our thyroid glands, causing weight gain, in spite of exercise and otherwise "healthy" eating!
I have read the research, and books that I found through Google, then also went to the NiH files to research medium chain fatty acids because I really needed to know for sure. And guess what--they have been lying to us about FATS, too, as well as WMDs! Turns out that fundamental changes in the food supply are responsible for our obesity (just one example in addition to the switch from butter to margarine: turns out that cornfed beef has 6 to 8 times the fat in it that grassfed beef has)--NOT just our "bad lifestyles."
Bottom line as far as I'm concerned: I have lost 25 pounds effortlessly since October (after trying everything for 25 years!) between the coconut oil and green tea extract. Nails, hair, bones, muscles, energy, eyes, brain have all improved on the coconut oil. And blood pressure is no longer LOW (90/58--low thyroid in my 30's, complete with falling hair) or HIGH (140/85) creeping up as I age--but now is 118/68 just like my skinny ectomorph husband. :-)
And--if you are taking garlic medicinally, as in fighting flu or working seriously to bring down blood pressure, it does help to eat it raw. One thing we do is put a teaspoon of it right in the middle of a bowl of soup after it is heated. Otherwise, we just cook everything with it, as you indicated.
My father-in-law was on blood pressure meds for many years--highly anxious personality. But they switched his medication and it did not end well. Watch out for salt and water balance, as well as your liver. Sometimes just switching to sea salt, where you get all the minerals your body expects with salt, rather than eating the chemical sodium chloride, is enough to bring your blood pressure down. As well as happiness/relaxation ways of life.