Last month she did a column on how gays and lesbians didn't need to 'marry'. How there were plenty of other options available to them and they didn't need marriage. So I finally got up enough guts to write her:
Dear Ms. Parker,
For a while I have been toying with the idea of writing to you regarding the column that you penned about gay marriage. In it you stated that there were a number of options available to gay and lesbian couples instead of insisting on marriage. I must admit I am curious about those.
What kind of option is there that will guarantee my significant other will be allowed to collect on my Social Security benefits? Or, how about the money we'd save if we file as a married couple?
How about insurance? Many companies DO allow for same-sex partners to be covered by one or the others insurance but many more do not.
Which option allows him the right to my property should something happen to me and I don't have a will made out? Or, even if I have a will, who will likely benefit in the event that my family decides to contest that will?
While it may be easy for you to sit there and talk about what gays and lesbians have available to them please remember that for every victory won there are many others lost or just as many that are challenged every day in court.
So please, Ms. Parker, come down to the real world. Believe me it's not all roses down here for gay and lesbian couples. My partner, spouse, significant other...whatever word you want to use...is just a roommate or a friend as far as local, state and federal government is concerned. That's all. Nothing else.