Mark sounds like he has a cold......www.airamericaradio.com
With host Laura Flanders, 7-10PM What liberal media? What liberal academy? First up, FCC Commissioner JONATHAN S. ADELSTEIN and STEVE RENDALL from Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, talk about what next for media activists, what's left of the Fairness Doctrine, and do we really need cellphone on planes? Then Harvard University's problem with political correctness. RICHARD BRADLEY, author of the new "Harvard Rules: The Struggle for the Soul of the World's Most Powerful University," and THOMAS FRANK, author of "What's the Matter with Kansas?" take on Harvard's controversial president, Larry Summers, who isn't liberal, and yanking Harvard to the right. Finally, TODD HANSON, writer for The Onion, and Buzzflash.com's, editor MARK KARLIN, review the news of the week.