I have an acquaintance, you know how it is, in the same circle of friends. She is much younger than I and has approached me because she will be traveling to some European cities I am familiar with. I am always happy to assist people who have not been to these cities with info and I am happy to do the same with her. But here is the dilemma. She is a chimpy supporter. Now, I will be straight up with the info, BUT do I tell her that these lovely people in these lovely cities, HATE chimpy, or do I leave that out and let the chips fall where they may. Right now, several cocktails later, I am tempted to tell her that these folks LOVE chimpy and she should mention she feels the same. But I know if she does, she will be hassled mercilessly. It is her first trip to Europe and I could really ruin it for her. Worse, she may just think "them there Europeans is just rude". Tell her to hide her USA citizenship, tell her nothing or tell her they LOVE chimpy and have her trip ruined and get a rep as a ruthless Machiavellian, which I really have no problem with?