1) Who's the strangest person you've ever known? (NOTE: Can be family, significant other, friends, or even the moron Freeper who works with you)
Apart from myself it would have to be my ex-wife. Strangest and coolest.
2) When you retire, where would you ideally like to live out the rest of your life?
London, where I grew up.
3) Have you ever had any George W. Bush moments (i.e. moments where you've mangled the English language so badly that no one understands what you're saying)? If so, describe the worst one.
Never I am always unbelivably eloquent.
4) What's the worst job you've ever had?
Cleaning up oil spills and chemical spills.
5) What, in your opinion, was the WORST movie ever made?
I don't know. I have mercifully repressed all knowledge of it.
6) Did you go to college? If so, where? Did you graduate?
I have BS degrees in Psychology, Sociology with a minor in Anthropology from the University of Alaska. I graduated with honours and was a member of Psi Chi, the APA and other groups. I went to grad school at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. I was also a National Merit scholar in high school. And don't that sound impressive?
7) What's the dumbest thing you've ever done when drunk?
Ok this is really bad. I kicked my mother out of my house. Like I said, really stupid and mean.
8) Do you have a strange talent that no one else has? If so, what is it?
I know who is calling when the phone rings. I always know what time it is. I have an amzing sense of direction.
9) Do you think Jeff Gannon/Jim Guckert is:
All of the above and none of the above.
10) If you could go back 10 years and do one thing in your life differently, what would it be?
Honestly? I woulda stuck with the prostitution gig that helped pay the bills in grad school. I set my own hours, the money was good, and I genuinely liked the people I worked with. Best job I ever had.
When I think back what I most regret is not what I did but what I did not do. I wish I had told my sister more often how much I loved her before she died. I know she knew it, but it would have been good to say it more often. I wish I had been a better friend to certain people - not that I was a bad friend, it's just that with age, I realize they deserved better.
I wish I hadn't dyed that stupid red streak in my hair.