He thought he knew what he was doing when HE filed divorce papers to YOU when YOU were sick (possibly dying at the time?) from cancer. He thought he knew what he was doing when HE drove YOU over to a friend's house and dumped you on their doorstep. He thought he knew what he was doing when he told you less than emphatically to clean off the porch, omitting that your land-person had threatened to evict you -- when you were sick (possibly dying? who knew then?) with cancer, and then blamed YOU for not doing it, even though you weighed 80lbs and could barely move: He was trying to cause trouble that he could blame on YOU.
Now that HIS beastly behaviour has come back to bite him on the ass with big, sharp, poison-filled teeth, it's obviously YOUR fault. Tell me something, Tucker...does he read a lot of Ayn Rand? 'Cause he sure sounds like he's the type of person who considers that he could really get ahead in life, if only the losers and whiners around him would stop holding him back and dragging him down (and he's elected you one of the whiner losers), when in reality, he's holding an automatic rifle at his own feet and pulling the trigger, over and over again (which I think is the textbook definition of the classic Objection^H^Hivist)...
...and if I ever meet him I'm going to (redacted by order of DU mods)