Top Ten Things Overheard At The Grammys Ten Messages Left On Paris Hilton's Cell Phone "You probably don't remember me, but we had sex about 3 weeks ago."
Top Ten Most Common Questions About The Gates Why?
9. Twenty-five million for drapes?
8. Will it improve my cell phone reception?
7. When I get mugged by a guy hiding behind a giant curtained arch, which city agency should I sue?
6. What's this I hear about filling up Central Park with Crisco?
5. Where do I report a gate-jacking?
4. This is a joke, right?
3. If you rearrange the letters in "Christo" you can spell "Ostrich".
2. Would you describe this more as a colossal waste of money or a colossal waste of time?
1. Is it urine-proof?