over at Freeperville on the "Rant on Rush at DU" thread. I thought it was interesting.
To: PaulJ
How many DUmmies? In their wildest dreams...30,000+ In their more honest moments 3,000 In truth about half that I'd and that includes at least three dozen freepers in disguise. The secret is to hang out in the lounge and act like a horny 15yr old until you get a couple hundred posts and a few friends. Then you can hit the regular forums and tweak here and there. Right now most of us are pumping up the little general.
If you can photoshop a few Bush insult pics you are a hit right away. You really have to bash Bush to get any street creds with this crew though. If they only knew how many of the old guard are not what we seem.
We are planning a 'coming out' party for election night '04. I can hardly wait until the masks are removed.
And yes DUmmies, i know you are reading this. I wish I could use one of your freaking silly :wave: emoticons.
463 posted on 10/08/2003 11:43 AM PDT by wewillnotfail < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 61 | View Replies >
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: JoJo Gunn
Just remember that all this is just a build-up to the Ultimate Leftist Meltdown in less than 13 months. Hehehehe. :)
Just do a FR keyword search on "schadenfreude" (from last November) and prepare to laugh your ass off!
477 posted on 10/08/2003 11:54 AM PDT by NYC GOP Chick (The State Dept. is in desperate need of a USA Desk.)
To: wewillnotfail
We are planning a 'coming out' party for election night '04. I can hardly wait until the masks are removed.
Oh, this is going to be FUN!!
499 posted on 10/08/2003 12:11 PM PDT by Allegra (Congratulations, California! Well done!!) < Post Reply | Private Reply | To 463 | View Replies >
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