Whoever was staring back at me isn't the dude I hear when I speak. It surely isn't the dude who writes all of those stuffy posts with the long words and the oh too proper prose. And I'm sure I'm not the dude that folks jumped on for that post of mine last night. Does anyone really know who I am?
Here are the identifying characteristics: (see! there goes that long worded, pompous thing again!)
I'm 6 ft., 165lbs. I've got this long brown hair halfway down my back and brown skin to match. Today I have a weeks worth of beard that's speckeled with white and gray hairs. My clothes are raggedy (by choice, I think), and I'm not wearing any shoes.
I remember a youth in rebellion, just plain bad I was. Smoking, drinking, vandalizing, some thievery. Lots of rock, lots of acoustic music, some funk. And oh yeah, a big Afro for a while. I remember countless protest marches, war, nukes, smoke-ins. Lots of time spent on the streets of D.C. with residents of the sidewalks and parks.
But this guy in the mirror looks washed up. A relic. not the man I remember from the past. Not the figure that I would have expected to see if I was to conjure up an image from my speech and my writings. Not the guy I would envision if I was to conjure up an image from the responses to my (stupid?, ignorant?, offending?) post last night in GD. I wish this dude staring back at me in the mirror would speak up so I could figure out just who he is.
Oh yeah, there's my wife of 25 yrs., and my two kids, in their late '20's. I wonder how they can tell who I am when I speak. It's got to be a trip looking at this grizzled man when he preaches on and on. I've got to get a grip. Can this face in the mirror really be the dude that I hear talking, the dude who wrote all of that technical, political babble? The dude that pissed folks off last night? Just who the hell is this man?
Anyone know just who I am?