My sad saga begins three days ago, at which time a local moran hit the back of my parked car (a '94 Nissan Sentra - don't laugh, it's paid for,) with his big ass Ram 15-passenger van. We won't even discuss that the moran didn't seem to know the area I was parked in is not wide enough to back up his massive vehicle, let alone do it without hitting another car. I was informed at the scene that the car was now illegal to drive due to the fact that said moran broke out not just the drivers side tail light, but the complete housing surrounding it, also managing to put an impressive crimp into the surrounding bumper area.
Moran left me a note reading, "Call me. (Phone number.) (Moran's name.) I couldn't figure out if he wanted to have dinner with me, or if he hit my car. Moran then called my work and left a) a fictitious insurance company phone number, and b) a fictitious license plate number for his vehicle.
Our insurance company, Amica, has been wonderful. Honestly. They are worth every penny. They had a rental car at my disposal within an hour of the accident. They have handled my every concern like champs. I'm writing about the moran's insurance company. It starts with "S", and rhymes with "afeco". (It was amazing how quickly the nice lady from my insurance company managed to ferret out the moran's true insurance information. I'm sure it had something remotely to do with "would you like to be charged with hit and run?") The "afeco" company called me yesterday. They had "questions".
It was astonishing how quickly the conversation went from "Could you verify the spelling of your last name?" to "There is some question as to whether or not our insured was truly at fault," which I met with, "You're joking, right? Your insured hit a parked car, legally parked in a parking space. Your insured admitted fault on my answering machine tape. Your insured then proceeded to give false information about his insurance coverage and even the license plate of his vehicle." I then told them to deal solely with my insurance company; I wanted no further conversation with them, and hung up.
I was going to post an even lengthier rant about the brain dead that obviously make the "S" company what they are today, but I have finally decided that they and the Moran deserve each other. In the meantime, have I mentioned today how much I hate some insurance companies?