Edited on Sat Feb-26-05 05:59 PM by JonathanChance
Played some Modern Military D20 today with a group of munchkins.
here's how it went down...
What was supposed to be a covert spec ops operation to kill a Columbian drug lord turned into the complete decimation and burnination of said drug lord's villa, the utter slaughter of all of his guards, Our sniper/observer team getting run over by the very pickup truck whose tires they had just shot out, the use a 9 year old boy as a disposable human shield to draw the attention of the drug lord's elite mercenary bodyguards(emphasis on the word disposable, my squad leader gave him the nickname "Meatshield" for a reason), a fistfight breaking out bewtween squadmates over who got a dead guard's RPG-7, and after a failed attempt to kill the drug lord with a Stinger Missile, his dying in a grotesquley excessive use of force involving a single frag grenade from each member of both rifle squads and a bullet from our barley living sniper team. Afterward the subsequent looting of said drug lord's personal safe, his coke factory and his distillery occured.
I think I'm going to call up Steve Jackson Games and have them make a new Munchkin game called Munchkin Grunt.