Grandson Jack is well into his Terrible Twos and is apparently pissed off at just about everything and everybody. He doesn't want to do anything you want him to, and he wants to do everything you don't want him to.
You say "black", he says "white". You say "yes", he says "no", and vice versa. He lashes out at unsuspecting strangers.
He's trying his best to curse, but the poor little tyke just doesn't have the vocabulary yet. It's almost heartbreaking to hear him try.
Up until recently "poopypants" has been his worst (and only) expletive. His eyebrows lower and come together in what we call "the hairy eyeball look". His right arm comes up, he points and scowls, and says "POOPYPANTS!".
He is progressing. I think it's because of the kids he hangs out with at the park.
Yesterday in the checkout line at the grocery store he homed in on the lady in front of us. She had made the unpardonable affront of LOOKING at him and remarking "What a cutie you are.".
He did the hairy eyeball thing and said "YOU HAVE POOP IN YOUR BUTT!" Keep it up Jack. You'll be ready for the Navy soon. ;-)