I have been reading quite a few posts lately on here, seems every other thread is about vetwife, or people sitting in judgement on her, or other people. I havent been posting on DU much, since my husband died, because my spiritual and mental health demanded I take some time off..grief takes a long time, a very long time. There is no instant gratification , as our society prefers, when it comes to deep grief. You have to work your way thru the pain, and it takes time. Im not being an apologist. I am merely going to say what I think, and all of you can make of it what you will. When people are mired in stress and grief, and life comes down from every angle to swamp you with problems, when the world turns upside down on you and you cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel, when grief and trauma invade your life, well, you dont always think straight, and you can do impulsive and strange things. Scientifically speaking, stressors can absolutely screw with your brain ..your neuro-transmitters go into overdrive, your cortisol levels peak, and you make rash and strange decisions, and do odd things. Hell..I just drove all the way actoss the country by myself and yelled at God the whole way. Im not insane, it was just something I had to do. Im glad I did it, and got a lot of things off my chest as I drove, and prayed, and railed at God. (Just an aside note: there is nothing but hate radio all the way across the US..very depressing indeed) Im not saying we shouldnt critique, Im only saying maybe we need to step back, on occasion, when it comes to other people's lives, and try and look at the bigger picture, and attempt empathy, compassion, and delve into the grey arenas that exist in making those judgements we often so harshly do about other people. Who knows what any of us have been through or encountered in life. I know Ive said and done things in my life, during traumatic times, that I hope people dont judge me too harshly for now. I would hate to be judged by people on the basis of things I have said and done in my youth, for instance. One of the reasons I havent been posting much on DU is that I needed time alone, to gather my thoughts, to get thru this grief, and to avoid judgement. People are very vulnerable during grief, and need to protect themselves from harsh critique. None of us know the personal trauma any of the rest of us are going through. We can only empathize, and attempt to not make snap, quick judgements about the behaviors of fellow posters without looking at the big picture. I guess what Im trying to say is, try and see the big picture, without jumping into judgement so quickly on anyone. Sure, the whole democratic community is in despair, and is angry. We have to live thru 4 more years of Bush..we are all angry..but lets put our anger where it belongs..not attacking or jumping into judgement on each other, but into positive action . Anyone of us may have posted things on the net 4 years ago that could be called into question now by anyone who does a google search on our names..which one of us, when going thru very hard times, hasnt said or related to others comments that come from deep stress, or panic.. I try to see the bigger picture, to see that all of us, at one time or another, just have really hard times, and sometimes we say and do things during those times that are really just a need to reach out, to find some solace, to beg people for community. I try to read the feelings behind the words from people when I read their posts. Sometimes I see anger, sometimes I see despair, sometimes I see hope, and sometimes, I just see someone who is overwhelmed and in deep grief and loneliness. I will end by stating, lets maybe not judge so harshly, until we try and see the bigger picture of why any of us say and do what we do. Namaste, God bless. PS.. Michael is home from Iraq, and hes fine. He is just disgusted by people coming up to him and saying "Oh thanks for serving our country!" he said that makes him want to scream.