I then used a gallstone cleanse I found on the web. Not recommended! It did, per an ultrasound later that week, remove the gallstones. I ruined several pieces of clothing by not making it to the powder room in time the day after the cleanse, however, and one gallstone was large enough that it took a week to go through my common bile duct. I had to fight with my doctor to get sufficient pain relief (I ended up threatening him with legal action). By "sufficient," I mean he actually gave me pills. The pills took an hour to take effect, and stopped working two hours later, but I could only take them once every four hours. Even then he only allocated five doses to a day because I was supposedly sleeping eight hours. Getting that additional dose because I was *not* sleeping more than two hours at a time was part of the legal threat. It was hell.
After that, though, I had no gallstones. My gallbladder was sore from squeezing the beasties out, though, so I couldn't eat fats at all for a couple months. Since then, I cut back the fats, but not to zero, and had no problems until I went on birth control pills to control my cramps. The problems didn't get as bad as an actual attack and have subsided since I stopped using the pills. Maybe they'll give me a hysterectomy now. I was very annoyed that they were so eager to remove my gallbladder, which does serve a useful purpose, but have refused for twenty-five years to remove my uterus, the only function of which has been to inflict me with incapacitating pain.
I hope this helps! I hope you find the right solution.