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Time to Save the World from the Female Body-great piece!irony at its best

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Gloria Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-01-05 01:29 PM
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Time to Save the World from the Female Body-great piece!irony at its best
Edited on Tue Mar-01-05 01:29 PM by Gloria
Time to Save the World from the Female Body
by Zoltan Abraham
February 25, 2005

Edward Stross, a Michigan artist has been sentenced to 30 days in jail for painting a half-naked picture of the biblical Eve on the outside of his art studio. He must also do two years of probation, pay a $500 fine, and cover up the offensive parts on his fresco.

Liberals are, predictably, outraged. But I say, it's about time that scum like this hack get their comeuppance. How long will the world stand idly by while these enemies of human decency seek to corrupt the children and law-abiding men and women of the world through depictions of the female form? How can anyone recover from the psychological damage caused by beholding the unclothed female breast? Studies indicate that in permissive countries, such as the socialist Northern European abominations, suicide rates are far higher than in more conservative lands. Sociolog! ists, furthermore, agree that the increased rate of self-slaughter is directly tied to exposure to female upper body nudity. Time to take a stand and stop this madness.

I rejoice that District Judge Marc Santia had the guts and moral fortitude to put this depraved Detroit lunatic where he belongs. The fact that Stross has multiple sclerosis and will suffer intensely inside a jail cell makes his punishment all the more fitting. My only regret is that he did not get a life sentence.

But we cannot stop here. Although the liberal media have tried to disguise this fact, the painting is in fact a copy of a fresco from the infamous Sistine Chapel. What is the Sistine Chapel? It is a den of iniquity. The Renaissance "artist" Michaelangelo, perhaps the most loathsome Satan-worshipper in human history, declared moral warfare on Western civilization through the infernal images with which he desecrated those once holy walls. He painted naked men. He painted naked women. He pai! nted female breasts. Need I say more? In a better age, he would have been burned at the stake. But in those tolerant times, he was coddled by the liberal establishment.

And just where is the Sistine Chapel? Do you realize where it is? It is in the Vatican, the seat of the Pope, the heart of the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope himself has been known to walk through that hideous chamber, sometimes on a daily basis. How can the leader of one billion Catholics (who would like, in vain, to consider themselves Christians) pollute his mind with such venomous sensory assaults on both the psyche and the soul!

Can there be any doubt anymore that the old conspiracy postulations are true? Can there be any doubt now that the Church of Rome is controlled by the Illuminati, and Communists, and Free Masons! Can there be any question that, after the thousands upon thousands of benighted tourists leave and the doors of that ruinous place are shut each night, the prelates of the Chur! ch gather to perform the most unwholesome satanic rituals? How else can we explain the naked paintings in the Sistine Chapel? How else can we make sense of the depictions of uncovered female breasts?

But that is not all. The Bishop of Rome is on his deathbed now. Do you realize how his successor will be selected? In keeping with an age-old custom, the cardinals of the Church will gather in the Sistine Chapel. Yes, in the Sistine Chapel, among those satanic images of human rebellion against all that is good, all that is beautiful about our temporal existence. There they will stay in council until they select the new pontiff. There in the chapel of shame, of spiritual death, of iniquity!

How can our nation allow such horror? We can ban all pictures of the Sistine Chapel from our public schools and our public libraries - and so we should. But some hapless citizens of our land might still be forced to desecrate their eyes by looking upon reproductions of those demonic paint! ings inside the many Catholic churches and institutions present in our country today. On those days, Satan will laugh.

I can see only one solution. Let us take a break, for a few weeks, from our campaign to bring peace and prosperity (through massive aerial bombardment) to Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and other ludicrous rag-head nations. Let us reach out and help the fish-eating, idol-worshipping pagans, who like to style themselves as Catholics. Let us liberate the Catholic Church.

Gentleman, start your engines. It's time to bomb the Vatican.

Zoltan Abraham | zsazle (no spam)
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