Edited on Sat Oct-11-03 03:19 PM by Piltdown13
Not too long ago I had something similar happen to me -- I wrote a couple of checks at home and mailed them on the way to work, then wrote a couple more at work and dropped them in a different mailbox on the way out of town for the weekend. Same day, about an 8-hr difference in mailing times. The first bills cleared normally, but the second bunch were still outstanding weeks later; I even called the bursar (one was my school bill) to see if they'd mislaid the check somewhere. About three weeks after mailing they finally went through.
I looked into stopping payment on the "missing" checks, but my bank charges a fee that was almost as much as the check amount, so I decided it wasn't worth it, especially as the stop payment only lasts six months, and if someone tried to cash them after then, they'd go through (or so I was told). YMMV, of course.
On edit: Forgot to mention that one reason I came up with for some of my bills going missing was that I had put them in a mailbox that only got emptied once a day, at the end of the day; the little mail collection tubs may have been full and the bills slid off and somehow didn't get noticed for a couple weeks. Either that or the mail carriers just decided to ignore that mailbox for a few weeks! :-)