For integrity.
Okay, first off, my company sells scripts and production rights to Audience-Participation Mysteries (
So on Wednesday I get a call from a frustrated, rather panicked teacher in Indiana, who's done my shows in the past. She was 3 weeks away from presenting "To Kill A Mockingbird" when her principal, under some pressure from the local NAACP, tells her she has to cut the use of the word "nigger." Now, as you all well know, this word is used within the book, movie, & play to point out the hatefulness and ugliness of racism. No matter, it must come out. So the teacher does the right thing and contacts the company holding the rights - Dramatist Play Service - and asks for permission to cut the word. They say (rightly) "No." What does her principal say? "Cut it anyway." Despite the fact that this is illegal, and immoral, and wrong, and STOOPID. Instead, this brave teacher cancels the production. It even makes (yeeps) Fox News.,2933,99714,00.htmlI was very happy to help her schedule an alternate show, and moved heaven and earth to make it as easy and fast and painless as possible.
In a world where "copyright" doesn't seem to mean a whole lot anymore, and where the work of others is used and copied and abused - whether it's in the name of political correctness or pirate copies or censorship . . .it was really neat and inspiring to watch, firsthand, someone do what was RIGHT instead of what was just EASY.
eileen from OH