I had a beautiful black cat named Rikki who loved to suck my right earlobe.He would sleep up close with me,all night and sometimes he would make me squirm and my spine quiver when he purred as he sucked my ear because of the ear- sound-resonence thing.He was an incredible hunter he could catch birds in mid flight!He was one tough cookie.But he had this vunerability about him too. As he got older,eventually he grew out of the compulsiveness ,and he did it less and less, but he never quit it totally, sometimes he's get latched onto my ear when he got stressed out, like after a particularly unpleasent trip to the vet,or if he got into a spat with one of my other cats,or he felt sick or because he was missing me until I got back from vacation.Sometimes he did it just to express affection...I didn't care,it was fun for both of us it made me laugh and he loved to cuddle and I loved him very much .He didn't do it all night,he'd go on with the sucking for about 10 minutes until he fell asleeep or decided to cuddle another way.My other cats have thier cuddly quirks too.And I indugled them all after what am I here for if not for the kitties! The more anxious you get concerning a cat's quirks the more they seem to do it ,they get confused over your reactions and can get compulsive in an excessive way.
Cats are very unique,independant,expressive,sensitive,sensual, emotional beings.
Cats do some strange stuff because they are curious about things in thier environment and don't have bodily or sexual hangups like people do.And cats sometimes do lick human nipples,I have heard it more than once,from people living with cats. So maybe cats check our nipples out just because they can't help but notice them,and since think they know what they might be,they test it.Maybe perhaphs they think theres a bit of a milk treat to be had..I dunno,maybe there are certain pheremones we can't detect that waft off our nipples and it attracts them to us.Cats have had mothers with nipples and I know they remember kittenhood.Cats sometimes get a certain faraway look in thier eyes when they knead you because they are remembering mother and you are reminding them of her. Of course cats are plain curious too.