I am currently taking prerequisites so's I can get into a nursing program. I'm taking my last required class, physiology, this quarter.
the teacher has assigned us lab partners---says she doesn't want 'cliques' (??) I guess I'd understand this if I were in high-school, but I'm in college, and everyone in my class knows practically everyone else b/c we've taken all of our classes together...
So I get stuck with this girl that I don't know. She seems nice enough, but here's the sticky part.
English isn't her first language. Now, that's not REALLY the sticky part.
The sticky part is that because English isn't her first language, she's unable to communicate with me, and I'm unable to communicate with her effectively enough to get the assignments done in the class.
The other sticky part is that being lab partners, we're supposed to turn in ONE lab report btwn the two of us---which would be fine, except she can't participate because she can't effectively communicate via writing.
So that means that *I* have to do the entire lab report for BOTH of us, by myself. That means that SHE gets a good grade (because I'm a good student) without having to put any effort into it whatsoever.
Now, before anyone starts calling me xenophobic or bigoted---think again. My school has a very diverse student body. We have exchange students from around the world. My microbiology lab partner last quarter spoke English as a second language, but she was WILLING to do whatever she could on her end to be as productive as possible with regards to lab assignments. Example---because she could read and speak english well, but not write well, seh would do the majority of the in-lab assignments, and I would write the report. Or she would write her part of the report, and send it to me for 'proofreading' and I would correct her very simple mistakes. But this lab partner does NOTHING. She doesn't do the exercises, but seh gets credit for doing them b/c we're a "team" so she gets a 100% because *I* do everything and get 100%.
She doesn't write the lab reports, or contribute ANYTHING to them, but she gets whatever grade *I* get because we're a 'team'.
I've talked to the Professor about it, and she told me I NEEDED TO BE MORE OPEN TO IMMIGRANTS---hello! I'm not 'down' on immigrants, or down on anyone for that matter. I dont' care if English is her FIRST language, the fact is that she's not doing ANYTHING, I'm doing EVERYTHING, and she's getting the benefit of my grade for it.
Even when I tried to explain this rather simple fact to the teacher, she accused me, in a round-about-way, of being a RACIST, and made some underhanded comment that I wouldn't be complaining if my lab partner's last name was "Smith" instead of "Wong"---which just isn't the case.
So here I am, again, writing ANOTHER "team" lab report where my partner did NOTHING the entire lab class, put in NO effort on the lab report itself, and is going to get whatever grade *I* rightfully should get.
There's no way I can do a crappy job on the report because then my grade is affected as well as hers. I feel like I've hit a brick wall with the teacher. THe funny part is, my lab partner was with ANOTHER girl at the beginning of the quarter, and the other girl was able to get a new lab partner b/c of the just.....lack of motivation/work/teamwork that her (now my) lab partner did. But the teacher saw no problem with doing that apparently, because both girls were of Asian descent. But when I try to change lab partners, it's because I'm a racist, a bigot, whatever....
what can I do??? Does anyone have any words of advice??