He belonged to one of my students. Last summer, he suddenly appeared on the porch and indicated that he had no place to go(we have a feeder out there for the abandoned cats on our comlex). At that time, he had a collar, so we called the number and found out that the owner was a student at the university here. The vet's office said they would call and alert the owner, but offered us no name for the cat. They called us back and told us that the tag was not for an orange tabby, but for a black American short hair. We had no recourse, but to wait and see if someone would post a note in the mailroom. Until then, Fred became part of the family. About a week later, the note finally appeared in our mailroom and my wife called to inform the owner about Fred's whereabouts. About 15 minutes later, one of my students showed up a the door. She gave us a long song and dance about how she missed Fred and was so grateful that we had found him...blah, blah ,blah. It seems that the tag had belonged to her roommate's cat and when it expired, she put it on Fred. Anyway, it seems that my course was her last requirement and when she finished it, she moved out, left no address, disconnected her phone, and finally, took Fred's faux collar off and abandoned him. He came strolling up our stairs in mid-July, looking sad and needing to be loved. There are times that I truly despise some of my students, but I promised Fred that he has a home, if he wants one. The others get along with him just fine. Right now, he has gone outside for his nightly exercise.