Stick to the party line, parrot what the last guy said, and always hate the republicans. This site is not only hateful, mean, and stupid, its also very poorly programmed. Trying to keep up with a discussion tiresome. A bunch of kooks and America haters.
I just don't get this. The guy is obviously a freeper, and as such is so stupid he makes morons look intelligent, but how the hell could he say that it is hard to keep up with discussion on DU?
I have seen freepers say this over at their abomination of a site, but I can never follow the conversations without reading every single post and trying to figure out who is replying to which post, so I never get to see if there is general agreement over there on this topic.
At least we have a sort of index to a thread which makes it plain as day who is responding to what.
Are they really so jealous that they would state such blatant lies about DU? Or are they really terminially dull? The stupidity of that comment makes my head spin!