My daughter's delegation of the YMCA's Youth & Government program is having a HUGE multi-family fundraiser garage sale tomorrow morning, Saturday, October 18th, from 6:30 to 10:30 a.m.
This wonderful organization gives high school students a hands-on experience in government process - from weekend training sessions in how the legislative process works, to researching and writing legislative bills, to debating and presenting before up to hundreds of people, to holding elections and full "legislative sessions" in the State Capitol for five days in February. (See: )
Each student is self funded at a cost of $900 per year. While this is "dirt cheap" for the incredible experience it offers, it's still a strain on many family budgets. So that interested students are not shut out because of money restrictions, ALL PROCEEDS go to a scholarship fund to ensure that everyone who wants to participate can do so.
Please spread the word to everyone you know in San Diego. Please attend if you can. All other donations gratefully accepted.
Time: 06:30-10:30 (?) a.m.
Place: 936 Moana Dr., Point Loma
Map: you!