Edited on Mon Oct-20-03 08:35 PM by DarkPhenyx
I'm one of those weird people that actually believed that there were BioChem weapons in Iraq prior to our invasion and I was still against the war. I'm now willing to admit that I was wrong about the weapons, but still right about not invading Iraq.
Now, onto my point. If G. Bush was right. IF there were BioChem weapons in Iraq then if I was a Bush supporter I would be furious with that he fucked this up so badly. If they were there we now have tons of BioChem weapons that are completely unaccounted for and are most likely out on the black market as we speak. When Saddam was in power at least we knew who had them. Now we have no bloody clue. We have now, if Bush had been right, ensured that those weapons will eventually reach terrorists hands. Better the Devil we knew, than the Devil we don't.
Thanks a lot George. You fucking putz.
<on edit>
This was in response to a Bush supporter who called in to proclaim the rightiousness of Bush. We need to point this little "fact" out to them as often as they open their stupid ill-informed mouths.