Edited on Tue Oct-21-03 04:59 PM by madmax
I use a program to watch tv on my computer. Great little invention, until my (*&^$$$#(!!!! cable company changed the channel numbers. I have been trying to figure out how to 're-do' the guide portion of this program but, I'm a too stupid to own a computer. If you use this program - please explain how to update the channel grid w/ the new numbers. Note: you're explaining this to a 9 year old moran x( so easy does it :silly:
Dang infernal new inventions!
"Welcome to the GUIDE Plus+TM System for Windows®
The GUIDE Plus+TM System for Windows® is an electronic television programming guide for Microsoft Windows®. It is designed to make browsing, searching, scheduling and recording television events a fun, easy and rewarding experience.
The GUIDE Plus+TM System for Windows® is the most powerful, flexible and easy-to-use electronic guide available anywhere. You can quickly find a wealth of television programs that you probably never would have known were on." ********************************************
Yeah, yeah they're all easy. So is French, if you were born in France. :evilgrin: