monday chest/triceps
incline dumbbell presses.. slight incline no more than 20-30 degrees one LIGHT set of approx 40% of your target weight, go very slow and dont bounce at the bottom.
select a weight that will allow approx 7-10 reps till failure.. failure is defined as the inability to lift the weight under your own power, do not rest and then attempt to lift again.. as soon as you are unable to continue, stop and the set is over. make sure you reallyy give it a shot though, if you are not used to going to failure it will be a little odd.
cable crossovers-7-10 reps to failure again.(if no crossover machine is available, use freeweights or a nautilus type machine)
tricep pushdowns. 7-10 reps to failure once again.(these are to be performed close grip with the pulley approx. 6 inches in front of you, do not lean over or "push" with your chest in any way.you are looking for a very mechanical push at the elbow only)
that's it for monday..
wed back/biceps
close-grip underhanded pulldowns- grip the bar as close together as you can, and select an appropriate warm up weight (40% or so) light warmup set no more than ten reps.. you want to keep your elbows together and pull down the front of your body until your elbows stop moving rearward. you dont want any tricep involvement.
seated bicep curls--these are done best seated on a chair/bench with a slight rearward angle to prevent bodyy movement. start with palms rearward and twist as you pull up until palms are parallel with floor midway. as always.. failure with 7-10 reps being the goal.
that's it for wednesday
fri- legs..this is gonna hurt..
i reccommend the leg press because it allows you to go to failure without any safety concerns. if you have a smith machine you can do squats but i reccomend the leg press initially.
light warmup.. legs even with shoulders..
go to failure 7-10 reps.. nothing special here, just go slow and steady.
optional leg curls in same manner as all other excercises..
done for the week..
keep a log of your weights you do so you can adjust the amounts to suit the range of reps needed.
it will take at least one week, maybe two for you to get used to this type of training.. but many people find that either reps or the amount of weight goes up every week, if not both.
DO NOT DO ANY OTHER SETS/REPS AT ALL!! the whole system is designed to allow sufficient time for recovery AND GROWTH.. if you think "i'll just do one more".. if you've already driven the muscle group to failure, you've created a stimulus.. the response the body has is to grow stronger/bigger. if you beat it into submission it will take that much longer to recover and the stimulus will change from "get stronger" to "get more endurance".
you already know about failure, so ignore some of this. what you should be concerned with is the "crossover" you are getting from doing several bodyparts spread out over a few days. whenever you work chest, you are most always working triceps,same goes for back/biceps so you really should condense those into a single day for maximum effect and best recovery.
i'm going to bed now but i'll check back tomorrow and see if any of this makes sense :-)