In response to GWB stressing that Islam is not evil:
-Give the guy a break. Talk softly and carry a big stick. You sure are peaceful. BAM! I sure like them robes. KABOOM!
-Bush is starting to smell from all the arab and Mexican butt kissing.
-Mohammed was an illiterate, lying, murdering, pedifile with a terminal disease that made him hallucinate
-Islam hates Jesus as much as Satan did when he was kicked out of heaven with 1/3 of the heavenly host.
-It's not even a religion in any rational sense of the word. It's a freaking induced mental disorder
-Project that some scholars acting as agents may consider undertaking:
Translate the Qu'ran from its original Arabic to modern English vernacular. Rewrite the more inflammatory passages or eliminate them and all references to them altogether. Then retranslate the redacted text into Arabic, and seize all the old versions, replacing them with the revised verses for distribution to every Muslim household.
-This is a holy war. Plain. Simple
-Which parts are good? The shoving the ass 5 times in the air a day for their allah
-Exactly, President Bush is saying this B.S to pander to rag heads over here to get their votes next year.
Don't you just feel the warm loving glow of the Heavenly father wash over you while reading this? Man..."Blessed are the Peacemakers, wicked are the dirty Islamofacists" is truly my favorite verse.