Obviously his poll numbers have settled a bit since he joined. The numbers were unrealistically high for the first few days.
He's revealed 3 major policy plans in the past few weeks. One was on a Civilian Reserves which is basically a way for people to volunteer to come to the aid of others in times of crisis like hurricanes or forest fires, etc. Another was on Jobs Creation, and the latest was on how to get the economy turned around. All very good speeches and plans. It's nice to hear about our political system from a European.
Incidentally, I've been through Norway. It was in the late 90s when I was still in the US Air Force. I must tell you, I thought it was one of the most beautiful places I'd ever seen. Cheers!
Job Creation Plan:
http://clark04.com/issues/jobcreation/Civilan Reserves:
http://clark04.com/issues/serviceplan/Economic Plan: