One that's been popular lately is
salvia divinorum. It's a mild euphoric and hallucinogen. The active ingredient does not seem to be chemically related to any other known drug. bought some salvia from a NY mail-order house a few years ago, possibly from one of these places:
Using it as tea didn't work, so I tried smoking some. It was very harsh and the effects were very mild. So I tried the suggestion of heating some without burning.
That worked better. Still not a huge rush, but when I closed my eyes I could see vivid dreamscapes. Very meditative. I ran out of product and didn't rush to order more. The effects are supposed to get stronger with repeated use, so maybe I'll buy some more.
There are actually a bunch of ethnobotanicals, mostly from Mexico and Latin America, that can be bought. A list from entheogens, (and other ethnobotanicals on sale), belladonna, (nightshade, atropa belladonna), morning glory, (ipomoea) , wormwood, datura, (jimson weed, angels trumpet), amanita, (amanita muscaria), leonotis leonurus, (lions tail, wild dagga), khat, (kat), blue lotus, (nymphaea caerulea), skullcap, (scutellaria lateriflora), sinicuichi, (sun opener), mucuna pruriens, (cowitch), kava kava, (kava), syrian rue, (peganum harmala), sweet flag, (acorus calamus), kratom, (mitragyna speciosa), Sceletium, (Sceletium tortuosum), yopo, ayahuasca, yohimbe, san pedro cactus, (trichocereus pachanoi), saguaro cactus , (Carnegia gigantea), Peruvian Torch, (trichocereus peruvianus, peruvian torch dried)
Can't swear by any of them. Just be careful of the
amanitia muscaria mushrooms. They're very toxic.