Management can only see short term, and what is painfully obvious. They can't see long term or the indirect effects of their decisions.
Yes, a sick worker coming works slower, but he's working. That's all they see. They are too stupid to realize that next week, 5 workers will be sick and working slower. They don't see the money being pissed away because 5 workers are working at reduced productivity, and the original worker producing less in 5 days because he was sick than what he would have produced in 3-4 healthy days.
These are the same brain dead cretins making more money than they know what to do with that think 2 weeks of vacation is some kind of reward to be worked towards after years in the company. The same morans who think workers are incapable of thinking so are less valuable to a company than they are, even though the workers are the only ones who have a direct, and huge, effect on the compnaies bottom line.
Besides, the middle ages aren't over. We are still serfs, except not to land owning petty royalty, but now to the corporate oligarchy. We the workers produce AND buy the shit that runs the economy, but are pissed on at every chance. The economy begins and ends with us.
Sorry, seems I got off on a little rant there. Maybe its because I had to raise holy hell with my company to make them re-imburse me for the gas I use in my personal vehicle to do company work.