Hmm. Since I’ve come back to this board, several of you have been trying to give me the redass.
One was an individual who make the statement indicating that I must be a “…freeper in disguise.” Another questions my “thought processes” when it was PERSONAL OPINION about a “Sucks and Rocks” list of movie actors for Chrissakes. I posted some articles on the absurdity of giving what money we DO have left to a federal government that wants to piss it away, while taking away civil liberties, Constitutional rights, property rights and state’s rights. What do I get? More crap. All because I don’t walk the Left-line 100%. Ill let you in on a little secret: This borders on dangerous group-think…almost like freerepublic.com.
I’ll let you in on another secret: I was barred from BartCop for pretty much the same reason. They didn’t like some of the stuff I posted, and I was given the boot…which is something the moderators from freerepublic did. I seem to be a no-good liberal to the freetards, and some kind of conservative creep to other liberals. I came here because it seemed, at the time, the last place to come and have intelligent and rational discussion/debate. Bartcop mods, if I’m not mistaken, pulled this same crap with Bev Harris.
It’s obvious that some folks here haven’t looked in my profile where I state “Liberal-Libertarian.” What that means is that our tax dollars, IMHO, are better off spent on equalizing economic strength for ALL AMERICANS instead of continuing the welfare state-another federal scheme without an “exit-strategy.” You have to spend a good deal of time working in the blue-collar sector to understand why it is important that we have less tax laws.
What it means is that I have more of an interest of taking care of ourselves-cleaning out our own closet- before we go running around the world acting like global cops, every time the UN thinks that something is wrong.
BTW-When it comes to black folks in our nation: They are sick and tired of white Liberal promises never kept. The only difference here is that the conservatives never promised them anything to begin with, which makes them look more honest than us…regardless of what repubs may actually think of blacks. As far as the black community is concerned, they aren’t being lied to and treated as stupid-because Libs traditionally say shit that we think they want to hear, near every election. Then they are forgotten once we get our men and women in office.
Basically, I prefer to put Constitutional principles before our political agendas. I suggest that some of you learn really f*cking quick about some of these principles, before your front door gets kicked open.
Instead of busting my balls because I may say something that you disagree with, maybe you should think about that “Liberal open-mindedness” that the conservatives supposedly hate us for…and what is happening to it.