Edited on Tue Oct-28-03 08:01 PM by KoKo01
My witch is in her "Chinese Box" made by Chinese 2cents a day labor, but I just HAD to BUY HER! To purchase the fabric and eyes, nose, hat, fabric, would have cost me more than the $9.99 I paid for in the "after Halloween clearance bin in 2002" at my local Eckards Drug Store cost me. She's so cute! She is made to look like she ran into my fence on her flying voyage...and she has a great costume with green and black and a big witch hat and broom!
I used to sew, BIG TIME! But everything I sewed cost me so much after the fabric, thread, and time that I just gave it up during Poppy's administration when I could buy it from one of the countries who supported Poppy I's war in Gulf, for so much less than even purchasing all the items from my most cheapest of discount craft/fabric stores.
But, I have a MAGNIFICENT WITCH! She is beautiful, and I never could have purchased here in the US today, the supplies to make her on my old Singer Sewing Machine!
But, it's raining. Should I take a chance and put her out on my picket fence gate, anyway? Just figure that if the dyes run in the rain and she is ruined with her wonderful peaky witch hat...drooping from the damp and her cute little broom gets all frazzled from the rain.....that I should just "GO FOR IT?"
Figure...what the Hell....I only paid $9.99 on CLEARANCE for her.....so if she droops and runs, and frazzles....it doesn't matter? Just "ditch her in the garbage as a throw away?" :shrug: