Mac OS X 10.4.2 update to patch dozens of Tiger glitchesThe second update to Apple's Tiger operating system will continue to focus on stability and reliability, delivering dozens of bug fixes to the month-old operating system.
The first pre-released builds of the software -- Mac OS X 10.4.2 -- began to surface on the internet over the Memorial Day weekend, according to several published reports. The most prominent build appears to be Mac OS X 10.4.2 build 8C21, which reportedly weighs in at just over 43MB in Combo Update form.
Along with the software, Apple is rumored to have asked developers to focus their testing efforts on nearly four-dozen components of the Tiger system. Some of these areas include: Automator, AddressBook, AppleScript, Dashboard Widgets, Directory Services, Display Preferences, File Manager, Graphics, iCal, iWork, JavaScript, Navigation Services dialog boxes, Printing, Safari, Spotlight, Sync Services, and iChat video conferencing.
On the subject of networking, Mac OS X 10.4.2 is expected to deliver enhancements to general system networking, NFS, NSL DS, Net SNMP, AirPort and ethernet networking. The release should also pack a fix to iChat 3.0, which has presented some users with insufficient bandwidth issues.
Already sources say the current build of Mac OS X 10.4.2 includes well over two-dozen new bug fixes to Tiger, in addition to those delivered in the mid-May release of Mac OS X 10.4.1. Some of these fixes pertain to new user accounts not showing up properly in the system, issues with smartcards not functioning in certain situations, and blank media failing to mount.