Living in the Hartford, CT area my whole life, I know a ton of people in the industry.
I worked for two of the bigger ones. The 2nd one was a mutual life insurance & financial services company. I was not a high enough level to get this memo, but I remember a memo going around the company from the CEO that said something like, "XYZ Company feels that Republican candidates better support the issues of XYZ Company, so we kindly suggest you make any political donations through the company to Republican candidates. Please use the attached donation card and send back to the CEO."
Meaning, that any donations (or lack of donations) went through the CEO's office. So, Uncle CEO could check off his list of employees that were naughty & nice. I don't want to use their name in case somebody is watching me, though.
The first insurance company I worked for was originally a great place to work, but some bad high level decisions really screwed them over in the late 80s through the mid 90s. Doctors used to love dealing with them and it was a great place for women to work, and anybody in general. (if anybody remembers, Bill Clinton's first nominee for attorney general, Zoe Baird, came from there...) I think they were one of the first major corporations to have an African American on their board of directors, and they have been cited as a great place for gays to work. However, due to the bad decisions, it has really gone downhill and I noticed in recent years their execs have donated heavily to Republicans, even their African American president (who donated to Dems a few years earlier!) . Unfortunately, those execs who made all the bad decisions still made their millions, but thousands of the worker bees got laid off throughout the 90s. Somebody who was there much longer than me said that every year in the 90s, their benefits got a little bit worse & they paid a little bit more for them.