"Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?"
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,158222,00.htmlBut new statistics from the online dating company Match.com suggest a downtrend in the number of women looking to marry Mr. Moneybags — and, surprisingly, an upswing in the number of men who seem to be seeking Mrs. Moneypenny.
Furthermore, one in three single men says he wants to snag a woman who outearns him, according to dating Web site True.com.
At least one self-professed male money-hunter from New York says the stereotype is changing. "I've met more and more guys who have realized that if they want the finer things in life, it's going to involve meeting someone who can give them all that," said Eben Anderson, 26, a university administrator. "More women are attached to their career. I've dated a lot of women who have a lot more money than me."
A look at the Britney Spears-Kevin Federline (search) saga (Spears' parents and handlers reportedly convinced the pop star to have Federline, a dancer, sign a prenuptial agreement before they married) — and some examples of regular guys who say they're searching for a rich wife and women who say they don't care what their man makes — might suggest that's exactly the trend we're seeing.