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Answers to today's questions

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MrScorpio Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-02-05 09:03 AM
Original message
Answers to today's questions
Q: Why The Hell Is The Daily Show Pubbing Fucking American Idol?
A: For the laughs.

Q: Saw Boogey Man last night. Why make such stupid movies?
A: Sometimes they make movies to put people to work. Expect straight to video.

Q: Should I lose the DOG CRAP graphic on my signature line?
A: Keep that shit

Q: Are you keepin' it real?
A: Always

Q: Where's Longgrain?
A: In his skin

Q: why does everyone believe Tom Cruise is gay?
A: Because people are weird

Q: So how do I get that free credit report?
A: Buy a house

Q: What are you grateful for?
A. Breathing

Q: Anyone else sick of hearing all the Tom Cruise talk?
A: Yes. Now stop it

Q: All DUers check in ---- how old are you?
A: Old enough

Q: And just what IS a "flying fuck" anyway, that you couldn't give one?
A: I wouldn't know. But I do think getting one isn't a bad idea

Q: What is your favorite Ben & Jerry's flavor?
A: I've never had any

Q: What do you wear to bed?
A: I go commando

Q: Currently...what is your biggest addiction?
A: Breathing

Q: Can somebody explain typecasting to me?
A: It's a continuation of initial imprintng
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ghostsofgiants Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-02-05 09:06 AM
Response to Original message
1. Well, that takes care of my DU browsing for the day.
Thanks Scorpio, you're a real time saver!
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Misunderestimator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jun-02-05 09:07 AM
Response to Original message
2. Oh Please!! Can you do this every day?
Edited on Thu Jun-02-05 09:08 AM by Misunderestimator
:D Edited to not say the exact same thing as primate1 :)

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