Paul, who had led a caring, kind life was contacted by God one Morning. "Paul, Said God..for your caring life, I'm going to grant you one wish...only one". "Cool!..said Paul..Ah..umm..Oh..I know..I wish for a Highway to be built between San Francisco and Hawaii" God said: "Geez..That's a big wish..I mean, I'd have to put Thousands of pilings all the way down to the Ocean's Floor which in some places would be 10,000 Feet deep...Don't get me wrong..I CAN do it, after all I'm God...but..isn't there something else that you would want that wouldn't be such a Hassle for me?" Well..said Paul..."I Know!....Make it so I understand Women completely, How they Feel and how they think and their every desire!" God Paused..looked at Paul and said: "Ahhh..You want that Highway 2 lane or 4 lane?"