Let's face it. Not everyone is a fine, upstanding citizen. I would be doing a great disservice to myself if I didn't use the ignore feature to protect myself. My basic personality is such that I have to be careful to take care of myself, probably more than most folks. I'm what Dr. Elaine Aron calls a "highly sensitive person." I have to shield myself from assholes or I will end up being hurt, especially on a board like DU. Differing opinions? Fine. Personal attacks? No fucking way!
I have six people on ignore. Four of them earned this by showing they enjoy personally attack others or me. One earned the distinction of being ignored by trying to sell "snake oil" on DU. My gut instincts on people have been proven right on a number of occasions. People on my ignore list have been subsequently banned. Another--who shall remain nameless--is positioning himself for a banning. I haven't been able to watch it, but I've heard from a couple of DUers that he's been personally attacking a lot of folks lately. He's gonna have some 'splainin' to do. The last guy on my ignore list I just plain don't like. :shrug: Call it a massive personality clash. I just got tired of reading his snarky, obnoxious posts that lend nothing to the discussion at hand. I'm sure he has no idea I have him on ignore. If he did know, he's the type who wouldn't give a rat's ass, so no big. Probably he doesn't much like me either.
Differing opinions? Fine. One snarky bastard? No thank you. Personal attacks? HELL, NO! People who habitually attack others add nothing to public discourse on DU. I believe I am taking care of my emotional health by carefully ignoring certain elements on DU and I'm proud of myself for doing it. I'm learning to take care of myself. If I don't, no one else will and I'll be absolutely no good to anyone else.