It's adapted from Amos and MLK drew inspiration from those same texts. I'm just lately doubting the fucking FReepers would let such a "Land" be...even if it WAS ever achieved.
Mostly I doubt such a place is really attainable by humans at all. And I cry every time our church sings it. UU BTW
We'll build a land where we bind up the broken. We'll build a land where the captives go free, where the oil of gladness dissolves all mourning. Oh, we'll build a promised land that can be.
Chorus: Come build a land where sisters and brothers, anointed by God, may then create peace: where justice shall roll down like waters, and peace like an ever-flowing stream.
We'll build a land where we bring the good tidings to all the afflicted and all those who mourn. And we'll give them garlands instead of ashes. Oh, we'll build a land where peace is born.
We'll be a land building up ancient cities, raising up devastations from old; restoring ruins of generations. Oh, we'll build a land of people so bold.
Come, build a land where the mantles of praises resound from spirits once faint and once weak; where like oaks of righteousness stand her people. Oh, come build the land, my people we seek.