McDonalds new fruit and walnut salad!
Deja Q
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Sun Jun-05-05 07:19 PM
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McDonalds new fruit and walnut salad! |
And the new catchphrase is "get the buzz!"
What happened to "i'm lovin' it"?
So, would ypu spend $4 for a fruity salad you could buy all the fruit in bulk for and have salads every day for 1/4th the price or less?!
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Sun Jun-05-05 07:22 PM
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1. and not have to dispose of the plastic dish!!!! |
Edited on Sun Jun-05-05 07:23 PM by BrklynLiberal
It is called cashing in on the nation's laziness. Have you seen what they sell to American mothers to give their kids for breakfast? Pop tarts and cocoa puffs?? Anyone wonder why we are getting fatter and stupider?
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Sun Jun-05-05 07:23 PM
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2. I still miss their "Have sex with our burgers" campaign |
Deja Q
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Sun Jun-05-05 07:32 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
I missed that one! A bit of a pity... :D
Jara sang
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Sun Jun-05-05 07:27 PM
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Get the buzz? Looks like Madison ave. is problems coming up with shit to sell their shit. Isn't "buzz" a PR term for "product word of mouth"? Fucking shitty ass McDonalds.
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Sun Jun-05-05 07:28 PM
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4. Plus -- get this -- the walnuts are candy-coated. |
Did they do a focus group or something and discover that Americans don't like nuts unless they're honey-roasted??
Or is it all part of the "put them in a sugar fog and they won't notice what's really happening" campaign?
Chicago Democrat
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Sun Jun-05-05 07:38 PM
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6. Yes, its a matter of convenience. |
Esp. for single people. Making a fruit salad for one doesnt work, you end up throwing out it before one person can finish it. Same thing for salads.
Deja Q
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Sun Jun-05-05 07:49 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
8. I'm single, fruity, and eat fruit all the time. |
Of course I'm not everybody, and my inadvertant self-absorbed nature proves why I'm still single, but I see your point and has validity. :D
bertha katzenengel
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Sun Jun-05-05 07:41 PM
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7. Mrs. V. had one. Said it completely sucked. An infuriating waste of money. |
Guy Fawkes
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Sun Jun-05-05 08:20 PM
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9. Oh, and with their calorie dense topping! |
I love how they made the "large" size as big as the "Super Size" when they faded 'super size' out. Plus, they've opened a 24 hour drive through- because we all know McDonalds has our best interests in mind...
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Sun Jun-05-05 08:23 PM
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10. Give credit where credit is due. |
That salad beats the hell out of a double quarter pounder with cheese, nutritionally speaking.
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Sun Jun-05-05 10:03 PM
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The nice thing about the salad is you can put it in your passenger seat and munch on it as you drive.
Hopefully the $4 version has a bit more fruit than the $3 version I got Friday.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:31 AM
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