Right now she's running down the 1980s of relations between the Reagan administration and Saddam Hussein.
A coupla highlights:
Donald Rumsfeld, former and future Defense Secretary meets with Saddam Hussein in 1983 to assure him of continued U.S. support for his ongoing war against Iran. At the time, Rumsfeld was a pharmaceutical company executive. I wonder what the statute of limitations is on Logan Act violations (that is, private citizens are forbidden from conducting U.S. foreign policy)?
On through the 1980s, and details of sales of weapons, dual-use materials, chemicals, and the know-how to use and weaponize them, being sold to Saddam or his neighbors for resale to Saddam for use against the Kurds and Iran.
The U.S. is the only member nation of the UN not to sign on to the UN resolution condemning Saddam for using chemical weapons.
Station break, and we're only up to 1988. Randi says she has the whole timeline at her website, complete with citations and links.