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Tell me if I'm crazy. Our small town is holding elections tomorrow.

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Maddy McCall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 03:00 PM
Original message
Tell me if I'm crazy. Our small town is holding elections tomorrow.
Election for mayor and city council. The city hall faces the railroad, and alongside the railroad is a beautiful strip of green grass and trees.

City elections are a big deal around here. I want to take my canopy and set it up across the street from the city hall, under some trees, by the railroad track, and have chairs and an ice chest underneath, just for myself and my kid, and anyone who happens by. Maybe have some sandwiches and chips and stuff, and if anyone who's voting wants to stop by and sit and chat awhile, they can.

I told my mom this, and she said, "Don't do that. It'll look crazy."

If you were going to vote, and you saw me hanging out under a canopy with chairs and sandwiches, chips, and cokes, would you stop by and hang out with me for a little while?

I'm probably going to do it anyway. I just wondered what DUers thought.
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tk2kewl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 03:02 PM
Response to Original message
1. sounds pretty harmless to me
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prole_for_peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 03:05 PM
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2. i sure would stop.
i am always being told that people will think i am crazy or strange or whatever.. i don't care... crazy is more fun anyway
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expatriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 03:05 PM
Response to Original message
3. no not crazy imo, you gonna print off any literature?
just to steer the conversation into a political direction or just keep it social? Either way, have at it man... those are the commons, the village green.

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Maddy McCall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 03:10 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. I'm keeping it strictly social.
Just a good time on election day. Maybe have the radio there, listen to some tunes, let the kids run around and play, and I can go pick up people who need rides to the polls, if the need arises.
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CaliforniaPeggy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 03:13 PM
Response to Original message
5. Sounds good to me!
A very sociable and friendly thing to do, IMHO...Go for it! Your neighbors probably already know what kind of person you are, and this won't change anything...

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Cooley Hurd Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 03:14 PM
Response to Original message
6. Politics begins at home...
Although, I haven't involved myself in my local politics, it's your own backyard that you must protect, because it's connected to the rest of the world.:thumbsup:
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Maddy McCall Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 03:15 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. I like that philosophy.
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pmbryant Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 04:59 PM
Response to Original message
8. Seems a reasonable idea
I wouldn't stop, but that's because I'm shy. I know many people who probably would.

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Orsino Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 05:23 PM
Response to Original message
9. Go crazy...
...before the Republicans make it illegal.

Sounds right neighborly of you. I might stop in myself, if only to thank you for helping to make the democratic process less arduous.
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