When an angry driver in a pickup truck swerved off the road Tuesday morning and mowed down 60 large hearts planted in a mile-long row outside the Neverland ranch, Michael Jackson fans jumped in their cars to give chase.
But they didn't get very far. The attacker's accomplice parked a big, blue SUV across the two-lane road a mile south of Jackson's estate, blocking their path, witnesses said. It was the second time in as many days that someone had run over the signs staked into the gravel shoulders of the road as symbols of support for the pop star.
They arrive in rental cars and battered used vehicles emblazoned with slogans — "We Love You Michael" and "Frenchies for Michael" — and posters. In the evening, they blast Jackson's music from boom boxes and dance in the dusk. When television journalists try to go live from the scene, they set off their car alarms to sabotage the journalists' feeds.
Recently, the (local grade) school posted no-trespassing signs to keep Jackson fans and reporters from wandering onto the grounds. One parent said a fan had entered the campus and asked to use the bathroom.http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-hearts8jun08,0,7282608.story?coll=la-home-headlinesThis squirrel found plenty of nuts near the Jackson ranch: