(Held to benefit Amnesty International)
Ann Coulter dressed as a woman muttering, “I am my own wife.”
Rush Limbaugh dressed as a pillbox
Bin Laden was there, but no one could find him.
Zell Miller is a dirty old man. He didn’t attend; but its true.
The Santorums came as chorus girls out of the gay nineties.
Barbara Bush came as her own beautiful mind. It was gross.
Rumors spread to watch out for Twit Bill O’Reilly who keeps yelling, “Shut up.”
John Ashcroft was covered by the Holy Grail.
Jerry Falwell wore a purple suit with a triangle on top.
Priscilla Owens came dressed as one of Cinderella’s sisters.
John Bolton came as Groucho and Jeb came as his brother Karl.
Jane Norton was dressed as Paul Bunyan
Patrick Buchanan was her ox Blue
Robert Novak was dressed as Benedict Arnold.
Michael Powell was shirtless.
Condi was Mata Hari
Dick Cheney wasn’t there.
Trent Lott came as Strom Thurmond
George W. Bush came as the Completely Useless Emperor who wore no clothes