The following are phone calls recorded by the owner of Mr. S Leather, an adult-oriented fetish store in San Francisco.
From their website:
Starting in late December I began to get phone calls from what I thought was a phone company (United American Technologies) trying to get me to switch from my phone company to a Christian one that didn't
support gay marriage and pornography. It was so weird and creepy that I decided to record them. There are three calls.
It turns out that they are from a non-profit that works with United American Technologies and calls people on their behalf. UAT then donates money to them. I think this non-profit organisation stopped making these calls, but UAT still has many other organizations making the calls for them I
Though they claimed to donate 10% of their profits to ministries I think the money actually went into an Oklahoma Republican political campaign, but some of it may go to Churches and ministries, I'm not sure. The whole thing is confusing and spooky. But enjoy the calls.
Here are links to three recorded calls.
It's hilarious listening to the Mr. S guy playing along.
Phone Call #1: Call #2: Call #3: