I can use all the following words to describe the Bush administration.
Main Entry: filthy Part of Speech: adjective 1 Definition: dirty Synonyms: begrimed, black, blackened, cruddy, crummy, disheveled, fecal, feculent, foul, grimy, gross, grubby, grungy, impure, loathsome, miry, mucky, muddy, nasty, obscene, offensive, polluted, putrid, repulsive, revolting, scummy, scuzzy, sleazy, slimy, slipshod, sloppy, slovenly, smoky, soily, sooty, squalid, unclean, uncleanly, unkempt, unwashed, verminous, vile, yecchy
Main Entry: filthy Part of Speech: adjective 2 Definition: vulgar Synonyms: base, bawdy, coarse, contemptible, corrupt, depraved, despicable, dirty-minded, foul, foul-mouthed, impure, indecent, lewd, licentious, low, mean, nasty, obscene, offensive, pornographic, raunchy, scatological, scurvy, smutty, suggestive, vicious, vile
Main Entry: black Part of Speech: adjective 3 Definition: dirty Synonyms: dingy, filthy, foul, grimy, grubby, impure, nasty, soiled, sooty, spotted, squalid, stained, unclean, uncleanly
Main Entry: coarse Part of Speech: adjective 1 Definition: rude Synonyms: base, bawdy, blue, boorish, brutish, cheap, common, crass, crude, dirty, earthy, filthy, foul, foul-mouthed, gross, gruff, immodest, impolite, improper, impure, incult, indelicate, inelegant, loutish, low, lowbred, mean, nasty, obscene, off-color, offensive, raffish, raunchy, raw, ribald, rough, roughneck, rude, scatological, smutty, tacky, uncivil, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unrefined, vulgar, vulgarian
Main Entry: crude Part of Speech: adjective 1 Definition: vulgar Synonyms: awkward, backward, barnyard, boorish, cheap, cloddish, clumsy, coarse, crass, dirty, earthy, filthy, foul, grody, gross, ignorant, ill-bred, indecent, indelicate, inelegant, insensible, lewd, loud, loud-mouthed, loutish, lowbred, obscene, raunchy, raw, rough, rude, savage, smutty, tacky, tactless, uncouth, unpolished, unskillful
Main Entry: depraved Part of Speech: adjective Definition: immoral Synonyms: abandoned, base, corrupt, corrupted, debased, debauched, degenerate, degraded, dirty, dirty-minded, dissolute, evil, fast, filthy, flagitious, infamous, kinky, lascivious, lewd, licentious, low, mean, miscreant, nefarious, perverted, profligate, putrid, rotten, shameless, sinful, twisted, unhealthy, unnatural, vicious, vile, villainous, vitiate, vitiated, wanton, warped, wicked
Main Entry: dirty Part of Speech: adjective 1 Definition: unclean Synonyms: bedraggled, black, contaminated, cruddy, crummy, defiled, disarrayed, dishabille, disheveled, dreggy, dungy, dusty, filthy, foul, fouled, greasy, grimy, grubby, grungy, icky, lousy, messy, mucky, muddy, mung, murky, nasty, pigpen, polluted, raunchy, scummy, scuzzy, skank, slatternly, slimy, sloppy, slovenly, smudged, smutty, sooty, spattered, spotted, squalid, stained, straggly, sullied, undusted, unhygienic, unkempt, unlaundered, unsanitary, unsightly, unswept, untidy, unwashed, yucky
Main Entry: dirty Part of Speech: adjective 2 Definition: obscene Synonyms: base, blue, coarse, contemptible, despicable, filthy, immoral, impure, indecent, lewd, low, mean, nasty, off-color, pornographic, ribald, risqué, salacious, scatological, scurvy, sensual, smutty, sordid, squalid, unchaste, unclean, uncleanly, vile, vulgar
Main Entry: foul Part of Speech: adjective 1 Definition: disgusting Synonyms: abhorrent, abominable, barn, base, contaminated, despicable, detestable, dirty, disgraceful, dishonorable, egregious, fetid, filthy, hateful, heinous, horrid, icky, impure, infamous, iniquitous, loathsome, malodorous, mucky, nasty, nauseating, nefarious, noisome, notorious, offensive, pigpen, polluted, putrid, rank, raunchy, repellent, repulsive, revolting, rotten, scandalous, shameful, squalid, stable, stinking, sullied, tainted, unclean, vicious, vile, wicked, yecchy, yucky