I'm writing a custom batch for Dick Cheney's mom, but I'm running out of gas. Here's what I have so far:
"Maybe his mother loved him, but I've never met anybody who does." - VP Dick "Biggus Dickus" Cheney, this past Sunday on Fox News Sunday
You know, Mr. Vice President, you're one to talk. You're about the least loveable son of a bitch I've ever seen on TV. You remind me of Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars, the one who pulls Darth Vader's strings from behind the scenes, the one who is so horribly evil that only a few frames of film at a time are required to convey just how horribly evil you are.
Not only that, Mr. Vice President, you mother is ugly. How ugly?
You mother is so ugly being forced to look at her is considered a violation of the Geneva Convention.
You mother is so ugly, she had an audition with Universal Studios, but they turned her down for being too scary.
Not only that, Mr. Vice President, you mother is fat. How fat?
You mother is so fat, if you were to boil her down, the price of oil would drop by ten bucks a barrel.
You mother is so fat, Peter Paul once considered naming a candy bar after her, but not enough people like pig fat with peanuts.
Not only that, Mr. Vice President, you mother is stupid. How stupid?
You mother is so stupid, riding on the short bus would have been an upgrade.
You mother is so stupid, (fill in your own joke here).