The good news - I got a letter stating that I will receive unemployment. The same day, I got my first check. :woohoo: They determined that I was fired due to unavoidable absences. No kidding.
The not so good news - My food stamp card was supposed to have updated on the seventh, but it STILL hasn't. I talked to the caseworker last week and was told that she is behind because her caseload is so heavy. Sad, but that doesn't feed my children. She said that she guessed she was going to have to go in to work on Saturday to catch up. Apparently she didn't do that. I called on Monday, but couldn't reach her. I left a message with the receptionist. The receptionist looked up my case in the computer, and was reading aloud to herself. I heard that "(something) not initialized by caseworker", and she commented that "today is the last day". She told me that she would give the message to the caseworker. I never heard from the caseworker, and the card never updated. Right at five o'clock, I got a call from the guy at the Worksource (you remember, the "get a job in a month or volunteer" guy), who told me that neither myself nor my husband now have to participate in the program. When I asked why, he didn't know.
So, I'm thinking...If Monday was the last day for the caseworker to update my food stamp case in the system, and she didn't, then it's automatically been kicked, and the Worksource received notification.
So, yesterday, I went to the food stamp office. I could not see my caseworker because she was in appointments (I told them I'd wait as long as it took), but when the receptionist called her and told her that I was there, the response of the caseworker was "I still haven't had a chance to finish that case in the system. I need a couple more days." :wtf: I asked to see a supervisor, but was told that there wasn't one there at the time. Yeah, right. I asked for the name of the supervisor, but they wouldn't give it to me. I do believe I'm going to find the phone number for someone in Austin to raise hell to. I have $3 left on my card, which won't even buy a gallon of milk. My children go through a gallon of milk in a day if I don't watch out. I've had to say "Milk with meals only, drink water the rest of the time".
I also went to the Worksource yesterday and got info on six jobs. Four of the six require a typing test (results must be attached). I took the test, did 47 wpm (they required 40), but the results wouldn't print. The lady tried everything to get them to print, but no go. The guy she runs to for help was gone to another office, so I have to wait to apply for those jobs until they figure this problem out.
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: