Heheh double ententes are funny..Anyhoo does anyone out there Bowl? Or in a League? I have been totally addicted to bowling for the past 4 months and i joined up with 2 leauges..Ive become such a Bowling dork i just got a ball for oily lanes that puts up the grand total to 3 balls! hehehe * Ahem* sorry its late and I'm punchy. Ive defiantly become addicted to the lanes. Thinking about getting a wrist glove to complete the Bowling geekeness that i have..My high Score is 235 and ive gotten my avg to 160 whooo! These are the Balls that I have
Strike Ball: Storm Fired Up 15lbs ( Sweet hook ball )
Spare Ball: The good ole White Dot 13 lbs..No Hook but a very accurate ball for spares
Oil Ball: Trek Explosion ( haven't gotten it drilled yet but cant wait to try it out on the lanes that have so much oil that you can slide all the way down if you trip )
Also if you are not into the high ass prices for bowling balls go here they have sweet sweet deals
http://www.bowlersdream.com/index.htmlGo Bowling! See yall at the lanes.