What are you expecting?
I have just a few: a Darwin coelacanth, a "God, Protect Me from your followers", an "Impeach Bush", a "John Kerry for President" a NASA sticker, and I think that's it. None of them are overly inflammatory, and as I'm in Massachusetts, I don't really expect my car to be keyed, or other such extreme responses.
I was driving along a popular route this past week (Rt. 9) and I think it was around Framingham, when suddenly, this car that had been behind me, came cruising down my right side, honking her horn and giving me continuous "thumbs down" evidently in reaction to one of my bumperstickers.
I mentioned this to a friend, and his reaction was "well, that's what happens when you have
bumperstickers on your car." Well, seeing that he is such a wuss that he won't put anything more extreme than the John Kerry one on his car, I find his level of cowardice completely mystifying.
I guess I just think that a person has the right to put a sticker on their car that reflects their beliefs. I don't care that my fundie friend has a shitload of "god" stickers on her car, including that really stupid license frame about the rapture, because it's HER car and not mine. I don't care that someone might have any one of a hundred thousand different viewpoints or beliefs and want to advertise it in the same way I do mine.
But do most people put stickers on their car to evoke strong reactions, or for looking for kindred spirits? I saw a Volvo about a week or so ago where the second "o" had been replaced with an "e" and there was a new, additional "e" at the very beginning, making the word, "Evolve." That particular car also had some very left leaning stickers as well, and I was pleased to see their message.
So why DO you put stickers on YOUR car? To show your support for various causes, to find kindred spirits, to support your right of free speech, or to go for the gut--to take "on" anyone who disagrees with you?